Aerican Empire Wiki

Two different types of special days are recognized in the Imperial calendar: Holidays and Niftydays.

A holiday is a day which, currently or in the distant past, was associated with holiness according to some faith, culture, or group. For example, most of the major December holidays celebrated by humans worldwide are holidays because, no matter how commercial they become, they have their origin in religious tales. In contrast, days such as Topin Wagglegammon have never had anything holy associated with them save that which individuals have chosen to ascribe as an afterthought, and so, rather than being known by the misnomer of a holiday, such days are classified as niftydays.


  • 1: New Year's Day.
  • 2: Procrastinator's Day: To recover from New Years
  • 3: Snappy Comeback Day: Commemorating Oscar Wilde saying "I have nothing to declare, except my genius"
  • 8: Emperor Norton Day: Commemorating the date of death of Emperor Joshua Norton the First of the United States
  • 10: Peculiar People Day: For people who don't go anywhere else but are silly enough to merit having their own day
  • 29: Idiots Day: Commemorating the day the First SPAF program of the Empire reached 1000 in both SPAF and SNARF
  • Second Thursday: Pharmacists Day


  • 27: *Oops* Day: Commemorating the day the Tower of Pisa became the Leaning Tower of Pisa


  • 3: I Want You To Be Happy Day
  • 19: What the Heck is That Day: In honor of the unexplained, commemorating the first recorded eclipse of the sun (721 BCE)


  • 14: Tempting Fate Day: Commemorating the day the Titanic struck an iceberg in 1912, and the "unsinkable ship" sunk
  • 22: Inanimate Object Day: Celebrating inanimate objects and their many uses


  • 4: Star Wars Day: Celebrating the anniversary of the release of Star Wars on May 25 1977
  • 8: Aerica Day: Birthday of Empire
  • 25: Towel Day: A day in commemoration of the works and genius of Douglas Adams


  • 2: Important People Day: A day to celebrate important people who don't have their own day


  • 4: Apocalypse Day: Commemorating the day the world failed to end in time with Nostradamus' predictions
  • 9: Mars Day: Commemorating Aerica establishing ownership of land on Mars


  • 24: Saint Bill (and/or Steve)'s/Microcomputer/Love a Geek/Halibut Appreciation/Insert Your Own Holiday Here Day: Commemorating the glory that is the advancement of computers and technology in general
  • 28: Significant Historical Events Day: A holiday in commemoration of important events which do not have their own day


  • 2: Onliners Day: Commemorating the first working modem in 1969


  • 12: International Moment of Frustration Scream Day: At approximately noon people are encouraged to go outside and have a nice, stress releasing scream
  • 26: Topin Wagglegammon: A day for silliness
  • 30: Wish We Hadn't Done That day: Commemorating the broadcast of the radio program "War Of The Worlds", which made millions of people think they had been invaded by hostile aliens


  • 16: Dies Memoriae: Commemorating the citizens and friends lost to the Cullings each year
  • 22: Conspiracy Theory day: Commemorating the assassination of president John F. Kennedy, and the start of conspiracy theories worldwide


  • 23: Happy Things Day: Day of miscellaneous happy things
  • 29: Game Day: A day of mind puzzles, games, and skill